@Inku-Inku Oh, come on, man. That's not the spirit that should have if you really wanna become a good animator recognized on the website looking ahead to the future. You have to be patient, and continue to working hard to improve your animator skills. You aren't getting anywhere with that mentality (and much less comitting mistakes like using music wich you don't own). Here. Check this link [https://www.newgrounds.com/wiki/creator-resources] and read it's content. Perhaps you'll find something useful on it that will help you to keep going with your objective. Have a splendid day. o7
(Pd: Oh, yeah, and next time, before making any kind of content, BE SURE TO READ THE SUBMISSION GUIDELINES, please. You wouldn't want to get banned, after all, would you?)
...Alright, so, let's see:
First of all, what are those 'publishings' about that you have submitted recently, and second, why do you think that they've been 'removed by the admins'? What kind of rule do you think that you could have broken?
Tell me. I wanna try to help you with this topic.
(Pd: I'm not part of the NG staff at all, so, my 'helper capacities' are limited, but I'll still try my best to bring you the proper answer for your problem).
Tom reached out to me. I believe it's because of all the sources I use. Mainly the music. I didn't really realize it until I looked at the help page. Any 3rd party things I use is probably the reason. I wanna make my own things, but I don't much have the knowledge and even if I wanna learn....it'll be so much.